From now on, msg life and msg nexinsure will share the new co-brand msg insur:it

From now on, msg life and msg nexinsure will share the new co-brand msg insur:it

Leinfelden-Echterdingen/Ismaning - 6 December APA OTS – msg life ag and msg nexinsure ag have been working closely together for many years in the context of the joint solution msg.Insurance Suite. Now, the two companies are taking their successful partnership to the next level: From now on, msg life and msg nexinsure will share the new co-brand msg insur:it in the insurance market and underline their leading role as a provider of insurance products.

The two companies have had a joint management team with unified responsibilities since February of this year. Even more intensive unified management combined with the further development of the shared product range will generate a wide range of synergies for all customers.

msg insur:it will provide a complete range of leading solutions relating to the complete solution msg.Insurance Suite for insurance companies in all segments – all from under one roof and featuring state-of-the-art technology. The platform covers and integrates all necessary system components for an insurance company. This makes it a unique overall solution in the market and the first holistic industrial standard for all sectors of the insurance industry.

With the confidence of having successfully completed over 150 major projects for high-ranking clients in the insurance industry all over the world, annual turnover of around € 300 million and almost 2,000 experts, msg insur:it has unique expertise and an exceptional level of competence in standard software for insurers.

msg insur:it is the competence centre for standard insurance software of the global msg Group which generates turnover of almost € 1.1 billion and has more than 9,000 employees. Besides their new co-brand msg insur:it, msg life and msg nexinsure will remain independent legal units.

For more information about msg insur:it, visit

About msg life and msg nexinsure

As part of the independent, internationally active msg Group, msg life ag and msg nexinsure ag are among the leading software and consulting companies for the European insurance sector. The services of msg life range from the development and implementation of standard software and the provision of consultancy services to the handling of IT operations (cloud solutions).

The msg life Group has its head office in Leinfelden-Echterdingen and offices in Munich, Hamburg and Cologne, plus subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal and the USA. It currently employs a workforce of over 1,200.

The msg nexinsure Group has its head office in Ismaning near Munich as well as offices in Hamburg, Chemnitz and Passau, and has around 700 employees.


msg life ag

msg nexinsure ag

Frank Fahrner

Corporate Communication


Phone: +49 (0)711 949 58-0

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