TeraBox Surpasses 10M Global Downloads

Solution provides businesses and consumers with free, secure cloud storage

TeraBox Surpasses 10M Global Downloads

Sunnyvale, Calif.- September 15, BUSINESS WIRE - TeraBox, a cloud-based storage solution provider, today announced that it has reached 10 million global downloads. While many competitors offer free cloud storage space, most don’t exceed 5GB without a paid subscription. Outperforming competitors, TeraBox gives each of its users 1TB of free cloud storage space, which is equivalent to the storage space of 64 16GB phones, or approximately 256,000 pictures (4MB each).

Creating a seamless user experience, TeraBox automatically syncs files across devices and backs up photos and videos, as well as saves the local storage on their devices, to protect users’ memories in the event a device is damaged or lost.

TeraBox offers users the following features:

- Ability to upload files up to 4GB in size, or 20GB in size with the paid subscription.

- Easily share files of any size with friends and family.

- Online photo and video previews.

- Compatibility with Android, iOS and desktop computers for peak convenience.

- Intelligent, AI-backed photo tagging and categorization — sorting into categories such as flowers, food, and home — based on the user’s content, making finding images a breeze.

Available for download on Android and iOS devices, data can also be accessed online at www.terabox.com.

TeraBox for Windows will be available on September 16, 2021, and will support five languages, including English, Russian, Thai, Japanese and Korean — making big file uploading even easier.

About TeraBox

TeraBox is an innovative cloud storage app that protects and organizes all the files on a user’s device, helping them to quickly back up and navigate photos, important documents and files with the aid of powerful AI technology. TeraBox enables worldwide users to experience the future of data backup and cloud storage solutions.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210914006220/en/


Shannon Nelson

The Hoffman Agency


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