Construction Project of Biomay’s Manufacturing Facility Fully on Schedule

Construction Project of Biomay’s Manufacturing Facility Fully on Schedule

Vienna, Austria - Construction work on Biomay’s new headquarters and biotech manufacturing facility in Aspern Seestadt, Vienna, is progressing on schedule. Seven months after the groundbreaking ceremony in September 2020, the building shell has now been completed. Ongoing activities are currently focused on the interior works and the installation of the complex heat, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and utility systems.

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Dr. Hans Huber, Chief Executive Officer of Biomay said: “We are delighted and impressed to witness the rapid and timely progress of our building project. Internal and external engineering teams and the construction workers are doing an excellent job. It is a pleasure to see how all the team members are working together effectively in a concerted effort to meet Biomay’s goals in terms of schedule, quality and budget. Seeing the satisfying progress, we are highly confident that the remaining half of the project will stay on track as well.”

As for the months to come, the building as such is planned to be completed in September 2021, followed by the manufacturing equipment and process utilities to be installed by Q3/2021. Biomay and its staff will move to the new site at the end of this year. After commissioning and qualification, the company will start up manufacturing operations for its clients in Q1/2022.

About the Facility

A number of parallel GMP manufacturing lines will be erected on a total floor area of about 4000 square meters, increasing Biomay’s capacities by a factor of 10 with respect to batch size and volume (gross bioreactor scales: 5L, 50L, 150L and 750L). Furthermore, a dedicated area of the building will allow the production of innovative, personalized (patient-specific) batches.

About Biomay

Biomay AG is a biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) with international reach. In particular, Biomay is recognized as supplier for plasmid DNA (pDNA), recombinant proteins and messenger RNA (mRNA). Biomay’s clients include start-ups, midsize biotech companies and multinational enterprises, predominantly from Europe and the US. Beside manufacturing of active ingredients and drug products according to GMP standards, the company offers process and assay development as well as manufacturing of microbial cell banks.


Dr. Christian Gruber / / +43-7966296-100 /

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