CIVIS Media Prize 2021 – competition now open! / closing date: 21 January 2021

CIVIS Media Prize 2021 – competition now open! / closing date: 21 January 2021

APA OTS - The competition for the European CIVIS Media Prize is now open. European programmes on the topics of migration, integration and cultural diversity can be submitted up to and including 21 January 2021. The CIVIS Media Prize honours outstanding TV, radio and online productions that promote peaceful coexistence between people from different geographic and cultural backgrounds.

The CIVIS Awards are presented in four fields and in various categories:

  • VIDEO AWARD: Non-fiction programmes, fiction programmes and social media formats (moving images)
  • AUDIO AWARD: Short programmes up to six minutes, long programmes over six minutes and podcasts
  • YOUNG C. AWARD (films, age restriction applies)
  • CINEMA AWARD (audience award)

The CIVIS TOP AWARD is an additional prize honouring the best production of the year in the AUDIO, VIDEO and YOUNG C. categories. No direct entries can be accepted for the CIVIS TOP AWARD.

The total prize money is € 27,000.

Click here to register

The CIVIS Media Prize is sponsored by ARD, represented by WDR, together with the Freudenberg Foundation. ORF, SRG SSR, RTV Slovenia, ARTE, 3sat, phoenix, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandradio and EBU are all media partners. The Federal Government Commissioner for Integration, WDR mediagroup, the German Producers Alliance – Film & Television, VFF – Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) are all cooperation partners.

The non-profit CIVIS Media Foundation for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Cologne is responsible for organising the competition, jury meetings and award ceremony.

The European CIVIS Media Prize is intended to encourage media professionals to devote themselves to the topics of migration, integration, cultural diversity and social cohesion in a creative, constructive and, where necessary, (self) critical way.

Follow CIVIS on social media: Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | #civis2021

Conditions of participation 2021 at:


CIVIS Medienstiftung für Integration und kulturelle Vielfalt in Europa
Ferdos Forudastan +49 (0)221 277 5870 | | #civis2020 |

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