ARGUS 260: intec presents first ARGUS broadband tester with touch-screen display at BBWF

ARGUS 260: intec presents first ARGUS broadband tester with touch-screen display at BBWF

Lüdenscheid, Germany – APA OTS – intec Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH, German innovation leader in the field of telecommunications measuring with more than 30 years of experience, will present its new high-quality multifunctional tester, the ARGUS 260, at the Broadband World Forum (BBWF) in Amsterdam, Europe’s most important industry event for broadband internet and telecommunication.

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As the first ARGUS tester with touch-screen display, the ARGUS 260 enables intuitive navigation of the familiar ARGUS menu structure. Its robust design combines the requirements for a compact hand-held meter in daily field use with the performance of a high-end tester. The ARGUS 260 reliably tests all broadband interfaces, from ADSL, VDSL to super vectoring, bonding and accesses, in the uncompromising quality you have come to expect. The copper module is inside the housing now and the device is also equipped with a wide range of further test functions, such as WLAN, TDR, RFL, triple play and many more. Thanks to its SFP slot, the ARGUS 260 supports the high-precision ARGUS Optical Power Meter, the Optical Fault Finder, GPON-ONT and Active Ethernet, making it ready for the future.

«Equipped for tomorrow, the ARGUS 260 is an incredible advanced multi-function tool for expanding broadband networks», says Dr. Ralf-Dieter Heil, International Sales Manager at intec. «Get to know a new generation of broadband testers».

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Available on request by sending an email to Annika Stoßhoff,

For further information on ARGUS® testers, visit, or contact your distributor or intec directly at +49 2351-9070-0.

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