Media Service EUrVOTE: Continuing coverage after the European Parliament election

Media Service EUrVOTE:  Continuing coverage after the European Parliament election

May 29 APA OTS - The European Parliament election of 2019 is over – and one thing is already certain: In many member states a clearly higher number of people voted compared to the previous European elections. According to the EU Parliament, projections show that around 51 per cent of the some 400 million eligible voters cast their ballots, thereby making for a larger turnout than during the past 20 years.

Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (

A great deal of work is awaiting the re-elected and newly-elected deputies. In June, the party blocs will be reconstituted. In early July the new parliament will meet for its first session. Starting July 15 at the earliest the parliament is to elect the new EU Commission President; then in September the experts committees will examine the credentials of the 27 candidates for the new EU Commission who are to begin their work on November 1.

The Media service EUrVOTE ( will be providing continuing coverage of these and other important developments from Brussels, Strasbourg and elsewhere. Alongside interactive widgets which, among others, visualize the election results in all the member states, EUrVOTE comprises altogether eight theme packages, for example on such issues as the environment, migration, the digital transformation and the economy.  All the texts are illustrated, with interactive graphics rounding out the media service offering. Editorial teams can make use of this material for their own reporting free of charge.

About Media service EUrVOTE:

Under, information packages about the European elections are provided free of charge for use by the media. The project is sponsored by the European Parliament.

For media queries: 

EUrVOTE newsroom

Tel.: +49-40-4113-32171

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