intec presents ARGUS® testers for 212 MHz and new accessories at ANGA COM

intec presents ARGUS® testers for 212 MHz and new accessories at ANGA COM

Lüdenscheid – May 16, APA OTS – intec, the leading European supplier of telecommunications measuring technology, is once again presenting its ARGUS® brand multifunction testing instruments at this year’s ANGA COM in Cologne, Europe’s premier business platform for broadband and content providers.

intec is presenting the ARGUS®163 and the ARGUS®166 – ideal all-rounders for trouble-shooting and identifying interferers on copper pairs, in networks and wireless; thanks to their integrated SFP slots, they also enable testing on GPON and FTTH. up to 212 MHz is available for all devices of the new generation.

The ARGUS®163 is also the only instrument in its class that can connect LAN cabling, PoE, WLAN and triple-play tests (data, VoIP, IPTV) to the technologies rolled out on the market – from ADSL2/2+, VDSL2 to Super Vectoring and, as well as GPON, LTE and many more.

Trade show visitors can also learn first-hand about innovative accessories: like ARGUS®2G4-Scope, which makes it possible to track down WLAN interferers in the 2.4 GHz range using graphic spectrum analysis (e.g. Bluetooth, microwave ovens, motion sensors).

The ARGUS®RF-Current Clamp enables technicians to visualise interferers contact-free on the loop in conjunction with the Line-Scope.

The extremely precise ARGUS®Optical Powermeter in SFP form factor was developed for measuring the optical power at various wavelengths, and can also store measured values directly in the device.

“Thanks to regular updates and enhancements to our product portfolio to keep pace with the rapid changes in the market, our ARGUS® instruments are even more future-proof and flexible in operation,” says Dennis Zoppke, Product Manager at intec. “Thus, nothing more needs to stand in the way of an interference-free network of the future.”

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Available on request by sending an email to Annika Stoßhoff,

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