STADA Health Report 2019: Half of Europeans are ready for Dr Robot and treatments via webcam

STADA Health Report 2019: Half of Europeans are ready for Dr Robot and treatments via webcam
  • 56 percent of Europeans would undergo surgery with “Dr Robot”
  • 54 percent would receive treatment from their GP via webcam
  • 80 percent would take a gene test but only one quarter knows what a gene test can detect
  • Overall, men are more open to medical trends and new health technologies than women
  • 53 percent of Europeans feel optimistic about the future of health

May 15, APA OTS - 56 percent of Europeans would undergo surgery with “Dr Robot” and 54 percent would receive treatment from their GP via webcam. These are two key findings of the STADA Health Report 2019. The study stands under the sign of the Future of Health and includes 18,000 respondents from nine European countries. The report also shows that 4 out of 5 Europeans would take a gene test and 38 percent would be willing to get a biosensor implant. Looking at the results in detail, interesting disparities come to light between the individual countries. Who is ready for the future of health?

“STADA is excited to share the results of our 5th annual Health Report. The insights will help us to understand trends and perceptions much better to serve patients and healthcare professionals even stronger in the future. This will strengthen STADA’s position as a leading go-to partner in European Healthcare,” says Peter Goldschmidt, CEO STADA Arzneimittel AG.

Around 2,000 people each from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain and the UK between the ages of 18 to 99 shared their opinion on future health matters. The survey was conducted by market research institute Kantar Health on behalf of STADA Arzneimittel AG.

Further information:

STADA Arzneimittel AG
Phone: +49 (0) 6101 603-165

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