“Together Hand in Hand”: 14th IFSSH & 11th IFSHT Triennial Congress for Hand Surgery and Therapy in Berlin

“Together Hand in Hand”: 14th IFSSH & 11th IFSHT Triennial Congress for Hand Surgery and Therapy in Berlin

Berlin – February 28, APA OTS – From 17 to 21 June 2019, the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) and the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (IFSHT) will be staging the international world congress for hand surgeons and hand therapists in Berlin, Germany. For the first time, the meeting will be combining the international, European and German congresses for hand surgeons and therapists to form one major international event. Currently some 2,500 participants and numerous exhibitors from industry are expected. Around 260 experts were nominated for the Scientific Committee, promising a high-quality congress programme; 1,800 submitted abstracts – a new record number – are testimony to the particular interest shown in this event.

Under the banner “Building Bridges – Together Hand in Hand”, the congress will bring together the multifaceted disciplines of hand surgery and therapy from all parts of the world, allowing an intensive dialogue between the closely-related fields of hand surgery and hand therapy. “We are convinced that this joint congress will generate considerable new impetus”, says Professor Andreas Eisenschenk, president of the German Society for Hand Surgery, that is hosting the event. “Both the scientific programme and the ancillary events will provide excellent opportunities for exchange.”

The scientific programme of the congress reflects the broad thematic spectrum of hand surgery. Focal topics will include keyhole surgery and the digital technologies. In addition, the congress intends to improve the coordination of global relief organizations for the treatment and rehabilitation of hand injuries and to address the increased digital networking of hand surgery centres in Europe. A brand-new format is the “Educational Monday” for the young generation of hand surgeons.


Media contact
Intercongress GmbH
Nicole Lange

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