Top 20: Germany’s companies with the largest social added value

Top 20: Germany’s companies with the largest social added value

October 22, APA OTS - The German automotive manufacturer Continental offers the most value to society. Second and third place go to lighting manufacturer OSRAM Licht and intralogistics specialist Jungheinrich. Working together, dpa subsidiary news aktuell and Faktenkontor were the first to evaluate which German companies would deliver the highest environmental, social and economic value to people. The analysis is based on the current sustainability reports from the 5,000 companies with the largest workforces in Germany.

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In this way Continental has been the most successful in its engagement towards sustainability. Similarly, among the top 20 companies who make a valuable contribution to their employees and society are large companies operating on an international scale such as Osram (in 2nd place), Jungheinrich (in 3rd place) or Siemens (in 6th place).

It isn’t only large, listed companies undertaking environmental, social and economic responsibility. German medium-sized companies have also shown that they can do the same, with companies like Elobau, the Allgäu specialist for sensor technology (4th place), Vivawest, one of the leading housing providers in North Rhine-Westphalia (5th place) and the Low Saxon fruit and vegetable supplier Meyer Gemüse (8th place).

The evaluation database from news aktuell and Faktenkontor consist of the 5,000 companies with the largest workforces based in Germany. The current available sustainability reports or written comments regarding sustainability were analysed from this pool. The Hamburg Institute of Internal Economics (HWWI) backed the evaluation academically. The analysis of individual reports is based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standard, which divides responsibility into environmental, economic and social responsibility, among others, in the sustainability reports.

Germany’s top 20 companies with the largest social added value (Results on a scale from 0 to 100):

1. Continental AG: 100.0

2. OSRAM Licht AG: 92.0

3. Jungheinrich AG: 89.2

4. elobau GmbH & Co. KG: 88.9

5. Vivawest GmbH: 88.8

6. Siemens AG: 88.6

7. Scandic Hotels Deutschland GmbH: 86.8

8. Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung GmbH: 86.8

9. Erwin Häbel GmbH: 85.6


11. NORMA Group SE: 84.7

12. Sika Deutschland GmbH: 84.6

13. Südzucker AG: 84.4

14. Sparkasse Gelsenkirchen: 84.1

15. Biotest Aktiengesellschaft: 83.9

16. Stadtwerke Göttingen AG: 83.8

17. Syzygy AG: 83.7

18 nw|consulting - ensuring sustainable values - : 83.3

19. Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG: 83.1

20. Spar- und Bauverein eG: 83.0

About news aktuell:

As a fully-owned subsidiary of dpa, news aktuell provides companies and organisations effective access to media and consumers. Using ots and zimpel smart tools, PR content accessed all media formats such as traditional print titles, online portals generating a lot of clicks and social networks. news aktuell also publishes all of the PR content of its customers on, one of the largest PR portals in Germany. In this way all relevant publicity agents worldwide, from editors and digital influencers as far as subject-specific bloggers and interested consumers, can be reached. news aktuell has been on the market since 1989 and employs more than 135 people. The company headquarters is in Hamburg. Further locations are in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich.

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news aktuell GmbH

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Tel.: +49 40 4113 32598


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