European Alliance of News Agencies electing new President, Secretary General and Board Members

European Alliance of News Agencies electing new President, Secretary General and Board Members

September 21, APA OTS - During the General assembly held in Warsaw on Friday, September 21st, members of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) elected Mr Peter Kropsch, CEO of German news agency DPA, as new President of the organization, for a 2 year mandate. Also, Mr Alexandru Giboi, CEO of Romanian National News Agency AGERPRES, was elected Secretary General of EANA, for a 3 year mandate. Mr Jiri Majstr, CEO of Czech news agency CTK, and Mr Michalis Psilos, CEO of Greek news agency ANA-MPA, were elected Board Members, joining Mr Clemens Pig, CEO of the Austrian APA, who is going to serve for another 2 years.

After the elections, Mr Kropsch said: “I thank the outgoing president Jonas Eriksson from TT, Sweden, for his great work during his presidency since 2016. I am sure that I speak also for all EANA members when I thank the outgoing Secretary General Erik Nylen who has so wonderfully taken care of EANA during the past 17 years. For the next tenure there are many issues to be adressed by EANA. The fight for a fair copyright directive, the freedom of press and a sound transition of the news agency business will be definitely on top of the list.”

About EANA

Founded on August 21st 1956, after a conference in Strasbourg, EANA is a cooperation and information exchange forum of European news agencies. EANA consists of 32 news agencies promoting and respecting copyright, access to quality information, technological development of media and, last but not least, freedom of press.


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