RDIF organized visit of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority to Russia

RDIF organized visit of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority to Russia

Moscow, September 18, 2013 – A senior delegation from the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), visited Moscow between September 16 – 18 to discuss the investment landscape in Russia at a number of high-level meetings organized by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).

Established in 1976, ADIA is a globally diversified investment institution with a portfolio of investments that span more than two-dozen asset classes and sub categories, including equities, fixed income, real estate and infrastructure, private equity and alternatives. The ADIA delegation held several meetings with key Russian officials and ministers, heads of major banks and senior representatives from the financial and corporate sectors in Russia.

Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of RDIF, said:

“We were honored to invite and organize the visit of such a distinguished investment authority as ADIA. There were many constructive discussions during this visit and we look forward to continuing our dialogue with ADIA in the future.”

HH Sheikh Hamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Managing Director of ADIA, said: “As a prudent, long-term investor, ADIA believes in building deep and lasting relationships of trust with key stakeholders in major financial markets. We were grateful for the opportunity to have frank and constructive discussions with such an esteemed group of senior officials and corporate leaders during our visit to Russia this week, with the goal of better understanding the long-term opportunities and challenges of investing in Russia.”


The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) was established in June 2011 to make equity investments primarily in the Russian Federation. In each investment it makes, RDIF is mandated to secure co-investment that as a minimum matches its commitment, thus acting as a catalyst for direct investment into the Russian economy.www.rdif.ru

Established in 1976, The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) is a globally diversified investment institution that is wholly owned by the Government of Abu Dhabi. ADIA manages a substantial global investment portfolio, which is highly diversified across more than two-dozen asset classes and sub-categories. With a long tradition of prudent investing, ADIA’s decisions are based solely on its economic objectives of delivering sustained, long-term financial returns. www.adia.ae

For more information please contact:

Maria Medvedeva,

RDIF Press Secretary

Mobile phone: +7964726 1773

E-mail: mm@rdif.ru

Erik Portanger

Head of Media Relations, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority

Phone + 971 2 41 5 3306 (office)

Phone + 971 50 443 1270 (mobile)


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