APA-IT offers software for open source news transfer for first time

Utl.: Smooth, standardized data transfer guaranteed

APA-IT offers software for open source news  transfer for first time

Technologically, the transfer of news between the media (for ex. news agencies, publishers, etc.) is highly complex. Sophisticated IT interfaces are needed to transport content as uniformly as possible. With APA-IT CRS APA operates a content routing system linking news agencies and media.

Building on the standards developed by IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council), APA-IT has programmed a software in order to simplify news transfer. This is now available under an open source licence at no charge and can be easily implemented in existing editorial systems. Editorial multimedia content is reproduced in technical formats which, in turn, are transported to other news agencies, publishers, and end users.

APA-IT open source software NewsML-G2

The software reproduces the written news items in an XML file corresponding to IPTC's NEWsML-G2 standard (http://www.iptc.org/). This means customers receive content in a standard international format, reducing the costs of cooperation on both sides.
Alexander Falchetto, managing director of APA-IT, explains why the software is now being offered for the first time as open source: "The cost of implementing the complete NewsML-G2 software is very high. So far we have implemented the part we needed and are now making it available as open source. Everyone can implement additional parts of the norm they require themselves, in turn making them available to all. Joint implementation will enable the exchange of data to function smoothly in the future, making different versions of the standard virtually impossible".
The link to the software can be accessed here:
About APA-IT
APA-IT Informations Technologie GmbH offers full-service solutions focused on the areas of media solutions and IT outsourcing. As a subsidiary of APA-Austria Press Agency, APA-IT operates the infrastructure of the Austrian news agency as well as numerous other media enterprises. This know-how and understanding of the industry make APA-IT an IT solutions specialist for publishers and media-related companies.
APA - Austria Press Agency
Barbara Rauchwarter
Company spokesperson
Director of Marketing & Communication
Tel.: +43/1/360 60-5700


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