Aloha Editor Barcamp is an opportunity for web innovators to exchange skills and ideas

The unconference for HTML5 editing

Aloha Editor Barcamp is an opportunity for web innovators to exchange skills and ideas

On Thursday, June 6, and Friday, June 7, the Vienna-based company Gentics Software GmbH will host web technologists involved with the popular Aloha Editor open source project. The gathering will bring together experts and enthusiasts in cutting edge web development from all over Europe and will provide a platform for sharing knowledge in a barcamp format of sessions, workshops and a social event with drinks and barbecue. Top experts and pioneer developers will discuss the latest trends and perspectives in UX, CSS3, HTML5 and advanced JavaScript.

Petro Salema, one of Aloha Editor’s core developers, is eager to host Aloha Editor’s first barcamp. “The advances in HTML5 and web technology in general are opening up exciting potentials for building great editing experiences on browsers. This barcamp is organized to bring together experts and enthusiasts around these ideas and opportunities.”


Participation is free but registration is necessary. You can sign up at

About Aloha Editor:

Aloha Editor is an open source project with the goal of re-imagining rich-text editing and content creating on the web. It became the WYSIWYG editor that pioneered a successful implementation of inline rich-text editing by breaking from the conventions of using iframe as editing sandboxes, and opening up the entire page as a canvas. In doing so Aloha Editor created an editing experience that was truly WYSIWYG.

About Gentics:

Since its establishment 12 years ago, Gentics Software GmbH ( has grown to become the leading producer of Content Management and Portal Solutions in Austria. As of January 2013 Gentics is part of the APA-Group – Austrian Press Agency and counts more than 30 certified solution-, technology- and business partners. For its innovative solutions Gentics has received multiple awards (Web Idol 2010 at J.Boye conference, Walter Nettig Preis, Golden Arrow, Austria’s Leading Companies).


Aloha Editor Barcamp

Thursday, June 6th, to Friday June 7th 2013

Gentics Software GmbH

Gonzagagasse 11/25

1010 Vienna, Austria


Press contact:

Haymo Meran

Tel.: +43 (0)1 7109904 -0

Fax: +43 (0)1 7109904 -4


Gentics Software GmbH

Gonzagagasse 11/25

1010 Vienna, Austria

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